Journey to OSCE

Hello everyone, in this blog I want to share my experience of how I cleared Cracking the Perimeter(CTP) Course. Firstly kudos to the people who have shared their knowledge through wonderful blogs and write-ups, which guided me to prepare for the course.

Course Topics:

  • Web Application Angle
  • Antivirus Bypass Techniques
  • ASLR Bypass
  • Use of Egghunter in depth
  • Zero Day Angle
  • GRE Sniffing


After going through many well documented blogs on the internet, I started preparing for the course from September 2018. I started with Security Tube’s ‘Exploit Research Megaprimer’ course, which helped me with the basics of SEH Exploitation. After this course I downloaded few exploits from exploitdb to practice SEH Exploitation.

Since this course involves Assembly Language, I started with ‘X86 Assembly Language and Shellcoding on Linux’ course. In this course, I learned about different assembly instructions, how system call works, crypters, how to create custom shellcode etc. I would recommend it to all beginners who want to learn shellcoding.

As I was well aware of the topics covered within the course, the next topic I wanted to learn was Egghunter. Here are the links to few of the write-ups which helped me in learning the concept.


Then I started learning how Windows API’s works and also how to create custom shellcode. Started with implementing custom shellcode in vulnserver and in FreeFloat FTP exploits.


As this course also includes antivirus bypass, I learnt different techniques to bypass antivirus


All the above topics gave me brief idea about the course. So I finally signed up for 30 days labs in December 2018. Before signing up for the labs, you must pass a registration challenge i.e In this registration challenge one needs to find a registration code and secret key. Try to solve the registration challenge on your own, this will give you more confidence.

I completed my labs on 8th January 2019 and also booked the exam on 16th January. Before the exam, I practiced on few exploits like myftp, quickzip etc.


Finally the day of the exam arrived, which consist of 4 challenges. In order to clear the exam you need to cover 75 marks within a timeline of 48 hours.The marks for the exam are distributed in such a way that you need to attempt most of the challenges.

I started with the first challenge, this challenge was simple. Within few hours, I was able to complete it and this boosted my confidence.

After this I started with the next challenge which was one of the mandatory challenges,within few hours I got the entry point to the machine and after that I couldn’t progress for next 10-11 hours, hence thought of taking a small break.

Took a small break and came with a fresh mind and a fresh idea. Fortunately this idea worked and I was able to complete the challenge within 4-5 hours.

I started with the next mandatory challenge, this challenge was simple as this was related to my daily routine work.

As I was left with few hours only, thought of solving the last challenge as I wanted to attempt all the challenges and  was able to complete the last challenge also before the timeline.

Next day I finished with the documentation and submitted the report, 2 days later I got a confirmation email from offensive security stating that I had cleared the exam.




  • Try different method if one technique is not working.
  • Make sure that you are taking regular notes for each module.
  • Restart the machine every time after some trial and error.
  • Keep patience and practice more.
  • Time management.
  • Try harder is key to success.
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